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Feb. 6 2020
We’ve survived the month of January and made it to February. What is it about that first month of the year that makes it just seem to drag on? There really does seem to be 734 days in January
Feb. 5 2020
It’s that time of year again: YDLI Graduation! It’s a long, strenuous journey, but it is worth every minute of it
Feb. 3 2020
Just because it is on the internet or television does not mean it is factual
Image for Eve Column
Jan. 31 2020
My job with the dairy checkoff is to study everything that is going on outside of the dairy industry. While that may seem like somewhat of a disconnected way to work on the dairy farmers’ behalf,...
Jan. 30 2020
Kobe Bryant's death has been all over the media. While an NBA superstar's life has little effect on us dairy farmers, the harsh reminder of his tragic passing is that life is way too short
Jan. 29 2020
I want to start this by saying that I am not a licensed professional. I am just a farmer who knows how it feels to be at the end of your rope with what seems like no way to crawl back from the darkness
Jan. 28 2020
Farmers should be on the lookout for animal activists pretending to “help” farmers
Jan. 27 2020
We have all seen the local foods movement continue to expand. Customers looking for foods produced in their region have even been paying more to know where that food was grown
Jan. 24 2020
Around the country, many young women dream of attaining a crown, preferably while advocating for an industry they’re passionate about
Jan. 23 2020
Maybe I look younger than I actually am. Maybe I don’t look like the “Rodgers.” Maybe I have a sign stuck to my back saying I can’t help you. Or maybe, just maybe, there is still...
Jan. 21 2020
In life’s priority list, it can be easy to get wrapped up in what society says we should be doing. Jump on any social network and you can see a ton of advice
Jan. 20 2020
While we are not at $20 milk quite yet, a boost of over a buck is a step in the right direction. Mark Stephenson gave his predictions for the upcoming year in “The dairy situation and outlook for...
Jan. 17 2020
There is no doubt many of us in the dairy industry were ready to see 2019 in the rear view
Jan. 16 2020
I recently listened to Kenny Chesney's song "Don't blink" and tears streamed down my cheeks, because let's be honest, we all can relate just how fast time goes by
Jan. 15 2020
We all know that PETA has an affinity for fabricated and overexaggerated photos, videos, and situations to make every farmer look evil
Jan. 14 2020
This time of year can seem rather melancholy, especially if you live in a state that experiences winter conditions
1.13 image
Jan. 13 2020
How long have we heard that fluid milk must innovate in order to combat declining consumption? With such a dynamic marketplace, it seems that simple white milk is sometimes lost in the shuffle
Jan. 10 2020
It might be a new year, but some things never change. I don’t expect a new reaction this year after I reveal what I’m studying in school and what I’m passionate about
Jan. 9 2020
It’s been a while since we have written a blog as we have been busy starting up our milking robots
Jan. 8 2020
In a 24-hour period, you only have so much time to get things done. On the farm, it seems like you need at least 25!